Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Film Review

My favorite movie is Gladiator. The movie was directed by Ridley Scott and starring Russell Crowe. Gladiator was released on May 5th 2000. I would categorize the movie as an action/adventure because it is a very bloody movie and it had a lot of fight scenes. Gladiator is about Maximus, the main character leading the Roman army to a victory over the Germanic barbarians. Maximus was offered to lead but the son of the empire ruins it for him. I would also categorize Gladiator as an adventure because the main character is leading the Romans to a victory against the Germans and we get to see how he does this. The movie is appealing to me because I like movie’s that have action in them and have a good story line. What makes Gladiator a great film is that it has a good plot and the fight scenes were thought through and executed well.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Section For The Yearbook

The sports section interests me because I am an athletic person and I know what is happening in the RSGC world of sports.

Using the technology we learnt in class I would have scattered pictures with writing describing them around the picture.

I will need Adobe Photoshop, In-Design, sports photos, and text.