Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Voice Thread Blog

Voice Thread is a good tool that is not very hard to use. Voice Thread does many things. What Voice Thread does is it allows you to record a voice/video. Voice Thread enables you to take pictures using your webcam or use pictures on your computer to create your video. You can record you voice through your phone. If you dont want to make a video than you can use a picture from your computer and record your voice only using the picture on the screen.

I think Voice Thread is a very good tool because it allows you to do many things on one website. Other reasons why I think Voice Thread is a good website because it is easy to use and does not involve a lot of steps for you to get to your finished product. You can share your Voice Thread to other people, you could send it to people via email or link it to Facebook pages.

There is one thing I dont like about Voice Thread and that is, that you could use Imovie and Garage Band instead. Even though you could use Imovie and Garage Band, Voice Thread doesn't take as many steps. When using Imovie and Garage Band you have to flip between the two of them if you want a picture or a film to go with your voice. With Voice Thread you only need to flip through the website.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Good or Bad Web Designs
Macallum Tepsich

The second you click on this website, you know that this website is going to be bad. The website takes way to long to load because of all the pop-ups and moving items. This website is dealing with a topic that should be taken seriously but the website is not professional. There are spinning/moving advertisements everywhere on the page. They layout of the website is not good because it is too long with too many unnecessary items on it. There are to many flashing lights and things moving that it is hard to focus on one object. I have nothing nice to say about this website.